Movies about going back in time
Movies about going back in time

Time Out’s Jessica Winter was appreciative, saying “this film imagines its viewers to be smart, possessed of a decent attention span and game for a challenge. It certainly isn’t for everyone - the reams of technical dialogue prompted critics such as the BBC’s Matthew Leyland to dismiss it as “one of the most willfully obscure sci-fi movies ever made” - but if you can absorb the material, it’s uncommonly gripping. The story of two garage scientists who accidentally build a time machine, Primer eschews whiz-bang special effects for a nuts-and-bolts look at the science behind the device, and a cold, hard look at how quickly and easily a friendship can be torn asunder by unchecked power and bottomless greed. But few films have ever dealt with time travel - or the many personal and ethical questions that could arise from ownership of the technology - with the level of intelligence that Shane Carruth’s ultra low-budget Primer brought to the table.

movies about going back in time

Like any genre, science fiction has its share of clichés - and anything relating to time travel probably belongs on that list. “Yet this gentle, small-scale effort is easily the most endearing film of both men’s careers, a sweet and amusing surprise package.” “ Groundhog Day may not be the funniest collaboration between Bill Murray and director Harold Ramis,” admitted the Los Angeles Times’ Kenneth Turan. But for the audience, Connors’ torment is an invitation to cinematic bliss - first courtesy of Murray’s perfectly deadpan depiction of the callous Connors, then through his progressively more unhinged reaction to the discovery that he’s doomed to repeat the same 24 hours of his life seemingly forever, and then finally in his expected (but no less sweet) moments of self-discovery in the final act.

movies about going back in time movies about going back in time

Finding yourself trapped in a time loop in Punxsutawney, PA, on the other hand, is a living nightmare - at least for Phil Connors (Bill Murray), the obnoxious newscaster at the heart of director Harold Ramis’ classic 1993 comedy Groundhog Day.

movies about going back in time

Under the right circumstances, time travel sounds like quite a bit of fun. Though a few reviewers were confused and/or unimpressed (Staci Lynne Wilson of Fantastica Daily called it “derivative,” and Joe Leydon dismissed it as “a discombobulating muddle” in his write-up for the San Francisco Examiner), overall critical opinion proved a harbinger of the cult status the film would eventually enjoy on the home video market as Thomas Delapa wrote for the Boulder Weekly, “If the sum total of Donnie Darko is hard to figure, there’s no questioning that its separate scenes add up to breathtaking filmmaking.” Despite a paltry $4.1 million gross during its original limited run, Darko returned to theaters in 2004 with a director’s cut - one whose 91 percent Tomatometer actually improved upon the original’s.

#Movies about going back in time movie

To call Darko “open to interpretation” would be understating the case a bit - it’s been alternately confounding and delighting audiences since it was released in 2001 - but its dense, ambiguous plot found stronger purchase with critics, who cared less about what it all meant than about simply having the chance to see an American movie that took some substantial risks. Time travel, a falling jet engine, and a dude in a bunny suit: From these disparate ingredients, writer-director Richard Kelly wove the tale of Donnie Darko, a suburban teenager (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) charged with repairing a rift in the fabric of our dimension.

Movies about going back in time